Activities, projects, and productions inspired by or based on my books.
THE LION AND LITTLE RED BIRD premiered as a play with the Children's Theatre of Charlotte in October, 2014.
Please click on THE LION AND THE LITTLE RED BIRD book jacket icon on my "Books" page to see scenes from the production.
And THE LION AND THE LITTLE RED BIRD premiered as a ballet with the Charleston Dance Institute on May 20, 2017. Please see my LION AND LITTLE RED BIRD page in "Books" to learn and see more about this performance.
Click on an activity below to see a printable version.
Carousel Mobile
Sun Bread
Apple Doll
PAPER PRINCESS productions:
Youth In Arts: Paper Princess Musical Theatre Production
"The Paper Princess and the Pinata" premiered at the Marin Center Showcase Theatre in San Rafael, California in February, 2011. The production was beautifully adapted by director Miko Lee from HOORAY A PINATA! and the PAPER PRINCESS book series. View a few scenes from the production by clicking here.
With cast members from the
Youth In Arts musical production
The Monkeyshine Theatre playbill and handmade theatre
Another play based on THE PAPER PRINCESS, produced by Monkeyshine Theatre, toured Ireland in Spring, 2011, then continued on to an international storytelling festival in Norway. In 2013 the prouduction was also shown at the Edinburgh Fringe Arts Festival.
More simple crafts
CAROUSEL TALE "Tail Birds" made by
Photo courtesy of Ecole Bilingue, Berkeley, CA
Paper Princess in Oakland
The Paper Princess was also brought to life by a beautiful and brave little girl named Ashley Bilbao. While battling cancer at Children's Hospital in Oakland, CA, Ashley and the wonderful organization Bay Kids created a film based on the book.
Ashley with some of her paper princesses and princes, kings and queens.
A few Paper Princess themed birthday parties I've recently been invited to be part of -- what imaginative fun!
Scenes from the California Association for Bilingual Education conference. I was honored to be the 2016 "CABE Artist" and to see my illustration of the Golden Gate Bridge used as their featured image.
Left to right: Jan Corea, CEO, California Association for Bilingual Education, San Francisco Supervisor Jane Kim, and Karling Aguilera Fort, the President of the CABE Board of Directors